7 Ways To Reduce Food Waste

by savannahman

1.Buy A Recyclable Bottle/Cup For On-The-Go Drinks

Do you always use your reusable water bottle? Reusable bottles save money and decrease waste. Bringing your own water reduces the possibility of buying more expensive drinks on the go. It will eliminate the single-use containers. While most cans & bottles could be recycled, they take more energy to create, ship, and store.

2.Use Reusable Bags For More Than Groceries

If you have a reusable food bag, you may have one, but it is sometimes forgotten at home. Try writing Backpacks on the top of the grocery list or keeping them in the backseat. A few cents saved while limiting the use of single-use plastic bags is a win-win situation.

3.Buy Smart And Recycle

You can reduce trash by purchasing products that come in minimal packing or that are packaged in recyclable materials. In Delaware, some plastics are not completely biodegradable, so be sure to read the labels. “Containers labelled with the a 1 or 2 are usually always permitted in Delaware because they contain the highest-value resins,” says the state’s attorney general.


Did you know that up to 25% of your trash can be composted in your backyard? Compostable items include egg shells, ground coffee, grass clippings, and leaves. Composting takes more time and work than the other lifestyle adjustments discussed above, but it pays off in the long run. Depending on the circumstances, compost can be ready in 3-12 months. You’ll save money on fertiliser and enhance yields if you cultivate your own vegetables. The organic waste will also function as a sponge, allowing you to water the plants less frequently, saving person money and time.

5.Avoid Single-Use Meals And Drinks Containers

Avoid only one coffee cups, spoons, straws, and napkins. Some places even offer a discount for bringing their own mug. Keep silverware, a plate, bowl, and cup where you can wash & reuse at work. Avoid disposable straws and go for reusable metal ones. Remember that many of these things are plastic, were brought by truck, and will wind up in landfills after use. Everything we could do to limit our use of such goods helps.

6.Buy Used Stuff And Donate Them

Consider buying used before buying new to save money. Buying used clothing at Goodwill, furniture and building supplies at Habitat for Humanity’s ReStore, or scouring Craigslist for a bargain bicycle. Buying used products helps local charity while sparing items from the landfill.

7.Buy In Bulk At Farmers Markets To Reduce Packing

Buying local is a win-win situation. First, you’ll be supporting the local farmers and obtaining fresher ingredients than big-box stores. Locally grown food doesn’t need to be delivered as far or refrigerated. Local farmers frequently use less packaging, and many welcome your returned berry baskets or egg carton. You can also reduce waste production by shopping at bulk food stores, but you must bring your own containers.

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